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Avoiding Unemployment

Internships Are a Key to Success

After committing four or more years and investing tens of thousands of dollars to earn a college degree, the last thing that any graduate expects is to work in a position that doesn’t require that degree. Yet, 40% of college graduates find themselves in that position. Internships are a key to avoiding the cycle of underemployment.

Employers, especially in tech, are looking for candidates with experience. In fact, 95% of employers say that they consider experience when making hiring decisions and almost 50% say that this experience should come from internships. It is proven that students who hold at least one internship throughout college are twice as likely to secure a position as those who don’t intern. Studies show that interns receive 26.3% more interviews and receive 1.61 job offers compared to the 0.77 that non-interns receive. Interns also have a 15% lower unemployment rate. These statistics demonstrate that there is definite value in securing internships throughout college.

Internships provide more than on-the-job training. Interns develop interpersonal skills on a professional level that you cannot replicate in a classroom environment. They may also sharpen communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills that employers seek. One of the most important benefits that comes from internships is the opportunity to network. While in the workplace students interact with professionals in their field of choice as well as other interns with similar interests. Studies show that there is a 1 in 16 chance of securing a job by networking.

Internships can also serve as a trial run for your career plan. Interns experience the work environment as well as the actual work in their chosen fields. Sometimes the expectation of a planned career is not the actuality and the internship experience allows for the opportunity to pivot. Students can also hold internships that aren’t necessarily in their major, but rather, fields they may be interested in. This sampling of a field or industry provides space to discover that path suits them better. It’s more beneficial to change course before graduation than be stuck in a field that isn’t the right fit. Internships are a vital piece of the puzzle when transitioning from college to career. Research demonstrates that internships increase skills provide networking opportunities and can be direct links to job offers and jobs. While internships are key to career building, it is important to note the only 21.5% of students actually hold internships throughout college. One of the main reasons for this low number could be that 61% of internships are unpaid. We will discuss this issue in future articles.

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